AIA Sphere is collaborative design research about the use of space and interconnectivity. With a CNC mill, I made a simple model of a truncated icosahedron that can serve as a temporary space. To find as many applications as possible I propose these objects to other artists and designers for festivals, installations, or experiments. The AIA sphere has also been used for several workshops. The truncated icosahedron is a geometrical form in transition and has many interesting properties and applications.
AIA Sphereest une recherche collaborative sur l’utilisation de l’espace et l’interconnectivité. Avec un broyeur CNC j’ai fait un modèle simple d’un icosaèdre tronqué qui peut servir d’espace temporaire. Pour trouver un maximum d’applications je propose ces objets à d’autres artistes et designers pour des festivals, des installations ou des expérimentations. La sphère AIA a également été utilisée pour plusieurs ateliers. L’icosaèdre tronqué est une forme géomatrique en transition et possède de nombreuses propriétés et applications intéressantes.
credit: Lukas Oppler
credit: Lukas Oppler
credit: Lukas Oppler
credit: Lukas Oppler
credit: Lukas Oppler
credit: Lukas Oppler
credit: Lukas Oppler
credit: Lukas Oppler
Oslo, credit: Claus Pfister
Oslo, credit: Claus Pfister
Poland, credit: Joerg Quintern
Poland, credit: Joerg Quintern
Poland, credit: Joerg Quintern
Poland, credit: Joerg Quintern
Poland, credit: Joerg Quintern
Poland, credit: Joerg Quintern

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